Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Keep Bear Valley and You Safe from Covid 19!

Bear Valley is exceptionally busy this summer, including at Bear Lake.  At the same time, Covid-19 is resurgent, with a higher California case count now than at any time since the pandemic began.  Given this situation, the BVRI Board reminds members and their guests to maintain appropriate safe social distancing at all times, including when visiting Bear Lake and the beaches.  We advocate mask wearing when adequate separation is not possibleThe evidence is compelling that masks (of any kind) and maintaining distance are key to reducing the spread of the virus.  

To encourage safe behaviors, we will be posting signage from the Alpine County health officer, and acquiring large banners to remind lake visitors to adhere to social distancing.

BVRI does not have the resources for enforcement of rules or regulations at the lake or the beaches.  We are reliant on the goodwill and good judgment of individual members of this community.  We suggest the following: If the beach is becoming crowded, consider leaving to lighten the load, or at least put on a mask.  Consider avoiding the beach entirely at peak hours.  Lastly, if you are concerned about your risk at the lake, stay away.   Let’s take care of each other and the whole Bear Valley community during these challenging times.

The BVRI Board

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: May 19

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom. Non-board members must register and request the zoom link, which will be emailed before the meeting:

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email