Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Lake and boat information

This has been an unprecedented year for cabin occupancy. In most ways that has been a blessing for our community.  Of course it has also revealed a few stress points. Overall the BVRI board feels that the best approach to many issues is a bit of patience and understanding that we may impose upon one another just a little more this year than normal.

An issue that does need addressing involves boat storage.  BVRI does allow storage on the large and small beach. However we request that you store your watercraft in an orderly fashion and on a rack if available. Please do not store your watercraft over woody vegetation, or in front of someone else’s cabin.

Our CC&RS do prohibit long term storage of any item outdoors. That includes storage of watercraft along the shoreline.  We consider “use” different than storage.  By use we mean repeated days where you are actively using your watercraft.  However once it devolves to multiple days of non use our cc&rs require the craft to be stored behind an enclosure and out of public sight.

This raises another issue waterfront homeowners should keep in mind.  Lake Alpine Water Company owns the strip of land around the lake from the high point of the water line to five feet above that point. Please avoid altering the shoreline such as removing shrubs, trees, stumps or rocks. These actions destabilize the shoreline causing erosion and collapse

Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you an enjoyable finish to another beautiful Bear Valley summer.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: May 19

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom. Non-board members must register and request the zoom link, which will be emailed before the meeting:

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