Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Pesticides at Bear Valley

A Bear Valley dog died from eating pesticide left outside someone’s house. Pesticides or other toxic substances should not be used outside where wild animals (or dogs) can get at them, or where they can get into the watershed. Homeowners are urged to use professional pest control companies like Clark or Foothill-Sierra for vector control.  Help protect and preserve our wildlife.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: May 19

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom. Non-board members must register and request the zoom link, which will be emailed before the meeting:

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email