Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Home/Condo Owners

One of the things that has kept Bear Valley unique is how it was set up originally by Bruce Orvis and the resultant community that has emerged.

Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs)

CC&Rs Summary: As part of the creation of the “new” subdivision of Bear Valley, the developer established a set of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Design Standards, and transferred administration and design review responsibility to Bear Valley Residents Inc. (BVRI). BVRI also maintains two beaches at Bear Lake for members’ use. Owners do not have to belong to BVRI, although most do join  for an annual membership fee  which entitles you to use the beaches, vote at meetings, and receive informational mailings.

  • Day-to-day BVRI matters are handled by a 15 member Board of Directors, elected by the BVRI members. The Board of Directors appoints members to a 5 person Architectural Review Committee (ARC) which administers the CC&Rs and Design Standards under its supervision.
  • The general purpose of the Design Standards is to preserve the natural appearance of the area as much as possible. All construction and site improvements to property, except home interiors, must be ARC approved prior to construction. This includes house plans, remodel plans, exterior repaint/restain and reroof, exterior lighting, propane shed plans, and plans to alter drainage, cut live trees, or construct a driveway. Neighbors’ input will be solicited, although it isn’t binding on the ARC or the property owner.
  • Only one house may be put on a lot. Attached “granny units” are allowed but must also be approved by the County. No other separate buildings, including outbuildings or garages, are allowed unless approved by the ARC. Camping, temporary structures, or storage of vehicles on properties is not allowed.
  • Houses must have a minimum of 900-sq. ft. on the ground floor. Wood is the preferred exterior material. No reflective material may be used on the exterior except glass. Native or native-appearing stone may be allowed in limited applications. Roofs must be class A fireproof, in an ARC approved color; composition shingles, metal, and tar and gravel are the allowable roof coverings. Lights must be designed to avoid shining beyond the property line. The ARC must approve all exterior colors. Homes should blend in with surroundings as much as possible and have some architectural interest, rather than being a plain box. Construction projects must be started within 11 months of approval by the ARC, and construction should be completed within two years of starting. Partially completed projects, which are idle for 11 months, are considered a nuisance, and BVRI may require their removal at the owner’s expense.
  • The setbacks for all portions of a structure are 30’ front, 20’ sides and back. Yards must be kept neat and free of stored items, debris, or construction material (unless you’re in the middle of a construction project). Snowmobiles must be stored out of sight from the street. Dead trees and vegetation must be removed immediately. You must get ARC permission to remove or trim a live tree which is at least 12″ in diameter at 4’ height. Landscaping is okay as long as vegetation native to the area is used, and the general effect is in harmony with the natural surroundings. No fences or walls are allowed. Each property must have two off-street parking places.
  • Parking of boats, trailers, large trucks, mobile homes, or other vehicles longer than 15’ is prohibited, both on the street and on the lot. In concert with applicable County ordinances, the CC&Rs prohibit noxious activities which would interfere with the neighbors’ quiet enjoyment of their property. Properties may not be used for business or commercial activities, although a personal business activity incidental to a home’s primary residential activity is okay. Rentals which are otherwise consistent with the CC&Rs are permitted.
  • The ARC may grant variances to the CC&Rs. ARC decisions are appealable to the BVRI Board. The BVRI Board may act as, or appoint a committee to act as, the CC&R Compliance authority, with the power to levy fines or require removal or correction of offending improvements.

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

Architectural Review Committee: Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

Architectural Review Standards and Forms:

Maintenance of Properties

There are a number of people in the route 4 corridor who have done work in Bear Valley.  The best way to get references for people to help you maintain your residence and to fix things is to put out a call on Nextdoor-Bear Valley. To join Nextdoor Bear Valley, visit and enter your  Bear Valley address and send a request to join.  The community is active on Nextdoor and it is a great place to get recommendations for all sorts of help.

Water Conservation

We know that the Bear Valley community is conservation minded.  That said, this is a reminder that Governor Brown has formally declared that California is in a drought and has asked that we all reduce our water consumption by at least 20%.  Just because the lake is full doesn’t mean that we don’t have to conserve.

Common Area Inventory

Forester Ross Richards contracted with BVRI to do an assessment of the common areas in the New Subdivision. He noted basal area coverage, fuel loading, and relative severity of fire danger. He assigned a priority rating of High, Moderate, Low, or None to each common area, and made a recommendation for treatment on each.
BVRI, in cooperation with Richards and Supervisor Woodrow, is seeking grant funds for managing the common areas.

The following is the report submitted by Richards to the BVRI Board.
BVRI Common Area Inventory – Fall 2014

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email