Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.


Where to park cars in winter?

It is important to pay attention to the parking lot signs in the winter so that snow removal can take place.  Please see  Winter Parking (When Roads are Closed).

Where to park snowmobiles in winter?

Bear Valley made the decision from the beginning to pack the roads rather than plow them which has created a wonderful winter wonderland.  That said, the road packer needs to be able to do his job, which means there are rules about where to park your snowmobile in the winter.  Please see the Snowmobile Parking .

What are the Restaurant hours?

Bear Valley Mountain maintains the information about dining in various places in Bear Valley. Check it out: Bear Valley Mountain Resort “Dining in the Village” under the Plan Your Visit tab.  Dining hours change depending on the season, so you need to keep checking their updates.

Where can I get recommendations for people who can do work on my house; e.g. painting, remodeling, hauling debris and the like?

Get onto Nextdoor Bear Valley or talk to the locals in the Real Estate Office, at the Gas Station, at the General Store, etc.  To join Nextdoor Bear Valley, visit and enter your  Bear Valley address and send a request to join. You can also be invited to join by a neighbor who is currently using Nextdoor.  Please note you must have a different email if you are already a Nextdoor participant in another neighborhood. And you must be logged out other Nextdoor sites in order to join a different site.

How can I stay involved in helping the mountain stay strong?

The Bear Valley Mountain Coop (BVMC) was started by several local homeowners and some BVRI board members, and it is well worth your consideration. More information is available on their website BVMCoop.Org.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email