Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

BVRI Committees

There are eight BVRI Board Committees.  The following describes the responsibilities of the committees and who is on each committee:

  • Ways and Means
  • Membership
  • Nominating
  • Architectural Review
  • Covenants
  • Beach
  • Forest Management
  • Communications

Ways and Means

Curt Wozniak (Chair)
Steven Schwabauer
Mike Bassoni
Matt Johnson
Bill Sullivan

Section 8.01(a) Ways and Means Committee: Chaired with up to 3 additional members of the Corporation selected by the Board. This committee determines the financial feasibility of BVRI acts or commitments and recommends specific action to the Board.

  • Maintains, audits, and publishes books and records of BVRI
  • Reviews undertakings that have potential financial impact on BVRI
  • Makes recommendations to the Board on funding corporate projects, acts, undertakings, and other community activities.
  • Coordinates with other Board Committees on the payment of expenses and the collection of fees, dues, and other revenues.
  • Assist in the duties of the Treasurer outlined in Section 7.11.


Jill Wegenstein
Randy Mancini
Bonnie Powell
Cathy Block Daves

Section 8.01(b) Membership Committee: Chaired with up to 3 additional members of the Corporation selected by the Board. This committee manages the annual membership drive to attract new members and retain current members.

  • Initiates and maintains the annual BVRI membership process
  • Maintains BVRI membership database
  • Assist the Ways and Means Committee in the collection of dues and fees.
  • Designate and track “Class Membership” for each membership (A or B) under Section 3.01. Rule on “Termination of Membership” under Section 3.04. Rule on Suspension and Expulsion” under Section 3.05. Maintain “Membership Records” under Section 3.06. Oversee “Membership Voting” under Article IV. Oversee and record “ Meetings of Members” under Article V. Determine “Quorum Requirements” under Section 6.01(b).
  • Maintains BVRI website
  • Responsible for BVRI E-news to members and other community members who sign up for the E-news.


Laura Worthington-Forbes (chair)
Sue Olson
Eric Jung

Section 8.01(c) Nominating Committee: Chaired by a Chairman of this committee with up to 4 additional members designated by the Board. This committee nominates Board members, or other qualified individuals to fill particular committee or Board vacancies.

  • Supervise the election of “Authorized Directors” under Section 6.01 and Section 6.04(c) and (g).
  • Fill Board vacancies under Section 6.07 and Officer vacancies under Article VII.
  • Oversee “Removal of Directors” under Section 6.06 and “Resignation of Directors” under Section 6.07(e), also “Removal” of Officers under Section 7.06.
  • Recommend annual Committee assignments to full Board (including additions and removal during the year).
  • Conducts and administers voting procedures by the Board and the membership.

Architectural Review

Tyler Swanson (Chair)
Kim LeMieux
Randy Mancini
Ron Murphy
Todd Miller (non-Board member volunteer)

Section 8.01(d) Architectural Review Committee (ARC): Chaired by a member selected Chairman, the ARC shall be composed of a total of 5 Class “A Members” who are Subdivision Property Owners, as defined in Section 1.04(d), one of which must be a member of the Board. This committee enforces Articles IV and V of the CC&R’s as detailed in the Bear Valley Design Standards.

  • The Architectural Review Committee shall submit a verbal report to the Board of Directors at each Board meeting describing the activities of the committee since its last report and a written summary of its activities to the Board of Directors and the Membership at the annual meeting.
  • ARC members preferably have some architectural, design, building or related experience.
  • Reviews plans for all new structures, additions, alterations, color changes, and site improvements to determine compliance with the CC&R’s.
  • Notice owners of violations or non-compliance with the Design Standards and reviews infractions at a meeting of the BVARC.
  • Recommend enforcement action to the full Board.


Steve Schwabauer (Chair)
Curt Wozniak (vice-chair)
Ron Murphy
Matt Johnson

Section 8.01(e) Covenants Committee: This committee shall be composed of a Chairperson and at least 3 Class “A Members” who are Subdivision Property Owners and of which at least one must be a Board member. This committee enforces Articles I-III and VI-XV of the CC&R’s on behalf of BVRI.

  • Oversee summer lot clean up and removal of yard waste
  • Coordinates with the Forestry Management Committee regarding the annual lot survey for covenant issues and violations (including forestry issues)
  • Informs lot owners of covenant and forestry issues.
  • Tags and oversees removal of dead trees in the common areas.
  • Organize annual General Membership meeting.
  • Monitors and recommends options regarding infestation issues
  • Oversee and recommends options regarding open space common area issues.
  • Recommends enforcement action for violation of covenants to the full Board.


JP Derouin (Chair)
Jill Wegenstein
Sue Olson
Laura Worthington-Forbes

Section 8.01(f) Beach/Events Committee: This committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least 3 additional members selected by the Board. It shall plan and execute community activities and shall maintain and enhance the condition of the two BVRI beaches on Bear Lake. The Beach/Events Committee shall provide a verbal or written report to the BVRI Board of Directors at each Board meeting describing the activities of the committee since its last report. Responsibilities may include coordination of:

  • Patrols and maintenance of proper sand levels, the cleaning of beaches and maintenance of restrooms.
  • Hiring beach attendant, monitoring/enforcing fishing policy
  • Establishing and enforcing boat policy/registration
  • Reviews/approves applications for leasing beaches to members and private groups.

Forest Management

Eric Jung (Chair)
JP Derouin
Mike Bassoni
Matt Johnson
Bill Sullivan

Section 8.01(g) Forest Management Committee: The Forest Management Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least three (3) additional members selected by the Board.

  • Organizes, coordinates, and tabulates the results of the annual summer lot inspection throughout the Subdivision. These inspections shall be focused on recording the status of known fire hazards such as those described in Article 4, Section 1(d) of the CC&Rs, and as coordinated by the County Sheriff’s Volunteers in Prevention (VIP) program. Lots that are out of compliance with expected fire-safe conditions will be reported to the lot owner for correction; uncorrected violations will be turned over to the sheriff for action.
  • Submits other CC&R violations discovered during these or any other inspections to the Covenants Committee for investigation.
  • Has the responsibility for the maintenance of the two-mile stretch of Highway 4 clean up each year.
  • Provides a written report to the Board of Directors at each summer and fall Board meeting describing the activities of the committee since its last report.


Bonnie Powell (
Sue Olson
Cathy Block Daves

The Communications Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and at least one (1) additional volunteer.

  • Drafts, formats, and/or disseminates e-blasts and Nextdoor posts related to Board business
  • Drafts and circulates for input important community communications, such as the Bear Valley 101 cheat sheet and marketing materials
  • Writes new copy for and helps update the website.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: December 8

Time: 4pm

Location: zoom; fill out the form

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email