Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

2024 BVRI Board — We Want You!

Serving on the BVRI Board is a great way to get involved in — and give back to — the Bear Valley community! We hope you will give serious consideration by running for a BVRI Board position.

To be eligible, you must be a 2023 BVRI member (you can join up until Dec 31). Board positions are for 3-year terms. To submit your candidacy, please email the following information to Laura Forbes at by Jan. 20, 2024.

  • Name
  • Email
  • BV Lot/Condo and Street Address
  • A statement (no more than 200 words) about why you wish to be on the BVRI board, including your history/interest in Bear Valley, and any relevant experience that you think would be useful for people to know about you when deciding amongst the candidates.

Why Run for the BVRI Board?

Do you ever stop and think about why you live, work, or purchased property in Bear Valley? Most of us would talk about Bear Valley’s uniqueness (“NOT Tahoe”), its raw beauty, its friendly people, and its ease as a base for hiking/walking, downhill and cross-country skiing, mountaineering, biking, swimming, snowmobiling, kayaking, star-gazing, and relaxing, among other things.

But one of the many quirks of Bear Valley is that it has no town council or government. While we do have a County Supervisor, she represents more communities than just Bear Valley. What we do have in Bear Valley are different organizations responsible for what goes on in the town. One vital organization is Bear Valley Residents Incorporated, Inc.  The 15-member BVRI Board was originally incorporated to oversee the CC&Rs, which are the governing rules for New Subdivision homeowners in Bear Valley. The CC&Rs are key in maintaining the kind of community we all want to be a part of — whether that’s chipping in for the Post Office maintenance (see below!) or the Common Area fire fund, or not bringing our beloved dogs to Bear Lake, lest we lose our drinking-reservoir swimming exemption.

BVRI Board activities include:

  • Annual lot inspections and other fire mitigation efforts
  • Funding the Bear Valley Post Office and postmaster
  • Organizing the Fourth of July community picnic
  • Bear Lake insurance and beach amenities: picnic tables, bear-proof trash cans, boat racks, volleyball net and sand, and portable toilets
  • The beach attendant, to make sure the beach can be enjoyed by all BVRI members
  • Bear Lake water quality testing, to preserve our state exemption for swimming
  • Hosting and maintenance of, which keeps Bear Valley residents informed and involved
  • Approval of new home building in Bear Valley through the Architectural Review Board
  • Enforcement of new subdivision’s CC&Rs and design standards.
  • Liaising and coordinating efforts with the various Bear Valley organizations (the CSA, BVBA, BVAC, the Parent’s Group, BVMF, LAWD, BVWD, BVRE and other real estate agencies working in the area).
  • Liaising with the County Supervisor to keep the community updated on state and county issues that impact Bear Valley
  • Financial support for the Bear Valley Music Festival, the New Year’s fireworks, trail maintenance, etc. as our budget allows.

The deadline for submitting a candidate statement has been extended to January 20, 2024 for the upcoming Board of Directors election beginning February 2024. All interested Board candidates must have their statements  (who you are, why interested in running for the Board) to Laura  no later than January 20 to be eligible for this election. Candidates must be members of BVRI 2023.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email