Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Fall News and To-Dos from BVI

Photo by Tia Plough from the Bear Valley Nextdoor Phonetography group.

Greetings, current and past BVRI members:

The leaves are turning, there’s a nip in the air, and it’s time to get ready for winter. Here is the latest news and to-dos from BVRI, sent via email Oct 12. (Didn’t get it, and want to? Sign up here.)

—Your friends and neighbors with Bear Valley Residents, Inc.

Beach To-Dos and News 

Time to retrieve your boats! Winter is coming. Please take your kayaks, SUPs, and canoes home by Oct. 31. 

BVRI has paid for 48 tons of special brand-new fine sand for the volleyball court at the Big Beach and removal of the old sand and poles. The new sand is covered for the winter and we will spread it in the spring.  Members of the BVRI Beach Committee poured 60 bags of concrete and set the new volleyball poles. JP (and his very nice wife) have removed and stored all the picnic tables for the winter. The port-a-potties will be going home to the Honeybucket hive soon. 

These upgrades and other maintenance activities are funded by BVRI membership dues. If you put off joining BVRI for 2024 but enjoyed Bear Lake — or recognize that it contributes to your property’s value — it’s not too late! Just fill out the form and pay now.  

The BVRI Users’ Guide to Enjoying Bear Lake: Read BVRI Secretary and Cub Reporter Editor Eric Jung’s essay about how Bear Lake came to be, why we have some of the rules we do, and a reminder of important community do’s and don’ts. BVRI will be making and sharing a Bear Lake 101 etiquette guide in time for next summer, along with an updated Bear Valley 101.  

CalFire Inspections

Under new state law, CalFire has taken over the responsibility for inspection and enforcement of the rules for lot clearing. BVRI and our Sheriff are not in the loop, nor has CalFire included us in the process. At this time, we are unable to answer specific questions about the CalFire inspections. 

BVRI representatives will meet with CalFire as soon as we can so we can be more informed and helpful. Our advice to homeowners is to do what CalFire requires, and call their number on the inspection form if you have questions.

We thank all our owners for complying with the rules to this point, and ask that you take the new tougher standards as a positive effort to make us all safer and our forest healthier. (For additional information, read the “Fire Rules Getting Tougher” article from the Cub Reporter, reprinted with permission on 

Bear Valley Post Office Donations, Big and Small

As the Cub Reporter said in September’s front-page appeal, “The Bear Valley Post Office needs your help. The federal government pays too little to keep it afloat, despite free rent (thanks, BV Mt Resort). BVRI and the Bear Valley Business Association make up some of the difference, but it’s community donations that make the final closing of the gap. Being without the Post Office would be unthinkable. Please donate and keep our Post Office open.”  

Donate via PayPal, Venmo, or credit card:

Thank you to the dozens who have pitched in from $10 to $200. (We especially loved the $100 donation that came with the note, “Hope to keep Sara happy.”) So do we! Which is why BVRI recently voted to give her a raise and a bonus! 

Next BVRI Meeting

The next BVRI board meeting will be via Zoom on Dec. 8 at 4pm. It is a working meeting but BVRI members are welcome to attend. Fill out the form here to get the zoom link: 

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: December 8

Time: 4pm

Location: zoom; fill out the form

Upcoming Events

Click on the event for more details. Click here for larger calendar view.

NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email