Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Community Clean-Up Dumpsters: July 3-5, 2024

The annual community dumpsters provided by the County Service Area will be in Parking Lot B from Wednesday to Friday, July 3-5. They will be picked up Friday morning July 5. We expect there to be three dumpsters, and all discarded household material must fit inside the dumpsters.  No construction debris or hazardous materials of any kind may be put in the dumpsters.


If this gets abused we may no longer get this service going forward!

Prohibited Materials:
-Rock, Gravel
-Yard Waste (brush, pine needles, branches, pine cones)
-Construction Materials: including Lumber, Plywood, Insulation, Tile, Treated Wood, Carpet
-Hazardous Waste: including Paint, Petroleum Products, Pesticides, Antifreeze, Medical Waste, Oil
-Auto or Snowmobile Parts: including engines, and body parts
-Kayaks, Canoes, Boats
-Batteries/Fluorescent Lights
-Household garbage

Permitted Materials:
Large Furniture, Mattresses, Refrigerators, Washer/Dryers, Appliances

Can’t make the dumpsters those dates? Consider renting a CAL-WASTE Debris Box or Handy Hauler for a week. These used to be very affordable, but we hear that prices have gone up (they are no longer listed on the website; we’ll update this once we learn what they are, or call 209/795-1532.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

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