Keeping Bear Valley residents
informed and involved.

Snowmobiles in Bear Valley- Parking and Etiquette

Be sure to check Snowmobile Parking and Use on this website about rules of the road  and etiquette in Bear Valley when the roads are closed.

If you call in to have your snowmobile put out and then change your mind please let the transportation center know as quickly as possible.  Don’t just leave it for them to figure it out.

It is important to leave plenty of room for the groomer (18′ wide).  Your snowmobile needs to be completely off the groomed road. Putting stakes out does not make your snowmobile out of the roadway. If groomer can’t get around then groomer may not be able to get to the rest of the neighborhood. If you have a problematic issue reach out the to the Sheriff 209-753-2321 to see if there is a solution for your situation so that you don’t find yourself with a ticket. If you need help with shoveling a space by your home check out some possible names of people who can help.

If you dig your sled out of a giant hole, fill it back in, someone can get seriously hurt if they don’t see it.

Snowmobile riders, please be respectful of the community and don’t roar around our Bear Valley roads. Kids and adults are at play. There is plenty of off road snowmobiling in the area.

Those of you with the vehicles with triangle wheels, please consider attaching some kind of device on the back of your machine to smooth the roads as you drive along. Those triangle wheels make havoc for skiers also using the roads for pleasure and transportation.

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

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