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Update on Firewise in Bear Valley from BVRI

Many members of the Bear Valley Community have been asking on Nextdoor about the Firewise program. BVRI board members are also receiving inquiries as to the role of BVRI in Firewise if it were to come to Bear Valley. 

We all know that wildfires are a growing threat, especially in California, and the Firewise USA® program offers communities a proactive approach to reduce these risks and enhance safety. The benefits of becoming a Firewise community include enhanced safety through strategies like creating defensible spaces and using fire-resistant materials, as well as potential insurance perks. CalFire, for example, recognizes members of a Firewise community with a 10% discount on the individual’s fire insurance with California’s FAIR, and other private fire insurance carriers may also provide similar or smaller discounts. 

The program fosters community unity by encouraging collaboration among residents, strengthening bonds, and empowering collective action. Additionally, Firewise communities gain access to valuable resources, including expert support, educational materials, and grant opportunities to implement fire prevention measures. Achieving Firewise recognition demonstrates a commitment to safety, boosting community appeal and providing peace of mind. 

On August 14th, there was a meeting in Bear Valley about the Firewise program, led by Clint Celio, the county’s paid fire consultant. The meeting was attended by Kimi Johnson, Terry Woodrow, Mike Mee, Deputy Florence, and BVRI board members Eric Jung and Matthew Johnson, who discussed the importance of the program for the community. 

It was recognized that many of the efforts currently underway by individual residents, BVRI, and the chipper program, all would help qualify Bear Valley as a Firewise community. There would be no direct cost to join the program; however, sufficient documentation of the ongoing activities would be necessary in either their direct costs incurred (e.g., what homeowners are currently paying for tree removal services) or in hours of volunteer work (such as the BVRI forestry committee). 

Together the group at the August 14th meeting estimated that the current activities would likely more than cover the necessary investment requirements.

Clint also answered detailed questions on how to become a Firewise community which would entail:

  • Forming a committee of residents to lead the initiative (3-5 individuals)
  • Conduct an assessment with fire safety experts to evaluate wildfire risks (Clint would help with this effort)
  • Create a three-year Action Plan to address vulnerabilities
  • Host an educational event to raise awareness about wildfire safety, and begin implementing specific fire prevention activities outlined in the action plan

Once these steps are completed, Bear Valley — with Clint’s help — can then apply for official recognition from the Firewise USA® program, an effort that must occur annually.

From the meeting on August 14th, each attendee felt it was worthwhile pursuing. For BVRI in particular, its role in the effort will be discussed in the upcoming board meeting on Saturday, Aug 31. By becoming a Firewise community, Bear Valley residents would receive recognition for efforts that are underway already. However, it will require an additional level of support and coordination to stay in compliance. In addition, ongoing communication and engagement by the broader Bear Valley community will be required to address specific areas the Action Plan identifies over time. 

This additional effort will likely require additional community leadership and involvement by other community members beyond the BVRI board. If you are interested in leading and/or participating in such an effort, please email

The Firewise USA Community Program official website can be found at the below link. 

Next BVRI Board Meeting:

Date: March 16, 2025

Time: 4pm

Location: Zoom, please submit the form:

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NOTE: The events listed here are not necessarily affiliated with BVRI. This calendar is provided as a service to the community. If you would like to list (or update) an event, please email